In the Top Secret world of the United States intelligence community, there exists a variety of highly esoteric military patches with hidden meanings known only to those involved. Most of these patches are from the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), formed (like the NSA before them) via Secret Executive Order on September 6, 1961, but was virtually unknown until the 1990s. They pride themselves as “ruling the night,” and protecting the planet like a modern god. Their missions primarily have to do with constructing spy sattelites for Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), but are also known for building some of the most advanced cameras on the planet. Former AFOSI Special Agent Richard Doty stated that the NRO have their own cameras installed on every single NASA launch, which seems to be a mechanism for funneling classified matters of national security directly to them.
The curious patches below and the caption content are from journalist Trevor Paglen’s book, I Could Tell You, But Then You Would Have To Be Destroyed By Me (NY: Melville House Publishing, 2007).
Green Door Patch: Jim Lowe - "Green Door"
I was always told "I could tell you, but then I'll have to kill you!"